Ojetti V, 2022 Italy
To evaluate the efficacy of L. reuteri ATCC PTA 4659 in the treatment of acute uncomplicated diverticulitis. Primary outcome was reduction of abdominal pain (Visual Analo gue Scale, VAS) and inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein, CRP, and calprotectin). Secondary outcome was duration of hospitalisation. All patients recieved fluids (Isolyte 2000 for 24h) and bowel rest (for 48h) upon admission to the hospital.
R, DB, PC 10 days
L. reuteri: 61 (1×109 CFU) Placebo: 58
Compared to placebo, L. reuteri (Lr) significantly reduced:
• CRP level: 72h after admission the CRP value was reduced by 58.8% in the Lr group, and by 40% in the placebo group (p<0.05).
• Calprotectin: 72h after admission the calprotectin level was reduced by 17% in the Lr group, and by 10.6% in the placebo group (p<0.05).
Both groups had a mean reduction of 4 points in VAS score 72 h after admission (from 7 to 3).
• Mean hours of hospitalisation were 75.5 in the Lr group, and 83.5 in the placebo group.
Petruzziello C, 2019 Italy
To evaluate the efficacy of L. reuteri ATCC PTA 4659, in association with standard antibiotic therapy, in the treatment of acute uncomplicated diverticulitis. Primary outcome was reduction of abdominal pain (Visual Analogue Scale, VAS) and in C reactive protein (CRP, marker of inflammation). Secondary outcome was duration of hospitalisation.
R, DB, PC 10 days
L. reuteri + antibiotics: 44 (1×109 CFU) Placebo + antibiotics: 44
Compared to placebo, L. reuteri (Lr) significantly reduced:
• Abdominal pain: The mean delta reduction in abdominal pain during days 1 – 3 was 4.5 and 2.3 VAS points in the Lr and placebo group, respectively (p< 0.0001). Baseline value of 8.2 and 7.9, respectively (non-significant). The reduction in pain was significantly larger in the Lr group throughout the study period.
• CRP: 72 h after admission, the reduction in CRP was 45.4 mg/L and 27.5 mg/L in the Lr and control group, respectively, (p<0.0001), from a baseline value of 68 and 71 mg/L, respecti vely (non-significant difference).
• Mean hours of hospitalisation were 93 in the Lr group, and 113 in the placebo group (p<0.0001).