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Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGIDs)

Infant Colic – Prevention


Indrio F, 2014 Italy

Study Objectives

Investigate if oral supplementa tion with L. reuteri DSM 17938 during the first 3 months of life can reduce the onset of colic, gastroesophageal reflux, and constipation in term newborns, and in addition reduce the socio-economic impact of these conditions.

Study Design*

R, DB, PC 90 days

Multicentre study

No. of Subjects (dose)

L. reuteri: 238 (1×108 CFU) Placebo: 230


Compared to placebo:
• Daily administration of L. reuteri early in life reduced the duration of daily inconsolable type of crying, frequency of regurgitation, and incidence of functional constipation in the first 3 months of life
• Private and public costs for the management of these conditions were significantly reduced for infants receiving L. reuteri


Savino F, 2015a Italy

Study Objectives

Test the preventive effect of L. reuteri DSM 17938 combined with vitamin D, on infant colic.

Study Design*

12 weeks Randomized, open label study, blinded outcome analyst. Commercial vitamin D drop product as the comparator.

No. of Subjects (dose)

L. reuteri + vit. D: 51 (1×108 CFU) Vit. D only: 54


Prevention of colic was significantly more successfully achieved in the L. reuteri group compared with the control group. The effect was indirectly measured, and demon strated by significantly less use of pain-relieving agents, contacts with doctor (calls and visits due to symptoms of colic), and change of feeding to partially or exclusively infant formula.